Disconnect to Reconnect – The #1 key to happiness and longevity of life
Every time we connect with a screen, we disconnect from the humans who surround us. The screen becomes an interface prohibiting human connection, and consequently should be considered an ‘anti-social’ device…
Video Games – Why are we knowingly letting children use an addictive substance?
The recent release of the US Surgeon General’s report Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation cited both social media and video games as causal factors for the alarming rise in isolation, loneliness and mental illness.
Social Media is NOT Social and NOT Safe
The word ‘social’ is defined as related to or designed for sociability. ‘Social media’ is defined as media created for the purpose of communication and includes You Tube, WhatsApp, Instagram…
Ten Pillars of Successful Schools — Optimizing student health, safety and education
The onslaught of screens in homes and schools has resulted in significant negative outcomes for students, teachers and parents indicating the need to push…
Ten Child Rights:
Introducing Reconnect Webinars
The ways in which we are raising and educating children with technology are not sustainable. Isolated, neglected, overstimulated and sedentary, the new millennium child is struggling to survive.
Guest post by Emily Cherkin — An Open Letter to Big Tech From an Outraged Parent
To the Zuckerbergs and Mosseris of the World. Let me articulate my rage. I am a consultant, educator, activist, and most importantly, parent.
Online vs. Outdoor Learning
Despite numerous studies showing academic decline with increased use of computers in schools, education governments continue to push online learning, a teaching method which became universal during the recent pandemic.
Systemic Abuse, Trauma and Neglect – Viewing child screen addiction as a coping mechanism for family dysfunction.
Every parent I’ve met professes profound love for their children and truly strives to create healthy and functional family lives. Parents who come from dysfunctional families have a much harder time navigating the pitfalls of parenthood…
Children aren’t Born with Mental Illness – We make them that way
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, research studies documented an alarming rise in child and youth mental illness. The long-term effects of imposed isolation of families and removal of family support networks are largely unknown…
Screen Tips for Tots – Early overuse of screen technology can cause permanent damage in toddlers
Screen Tips for Tots is the first of a research referenced series on the impact of screen technologies on child body and brain development. Written by Cris Rowan, pediatric occupational therapist, biologist, international speaker and author of the book “Virtual Child.”
Kevlar for Teachers – The role of violent media in escalating student violence in schools.
Over the past year I’ve assessed ~ 100 elementary and high school students with most frequent reasons for referrals being poor self-regulation, aggression, and inability
Where Do the Children Play? What happens when our kid’s only childhood memory is a screen?
One of our jobs as parents is to create childhood memories that will sustain them through their lifetime; memories that will be told around the