The Twelve Years of Christmas Tech…NOT!
Parents everywhere are struggling with Santa lists loaded with tech toys this Christmas, and not wanting to disappoint, many are caving to pressure from their children to give them what everyone else is getting (or so they say)…Christmas Tech. With research showing significant harm from tech, especially to young children (See Cris’s article), and no research showing it is safe, proceeding with caution regarding tech purchases this Christmas is advised. The staff at Zone’in Programs Inc. have comprised a video clip called “The Twelve Days of Christmas Tech” to dissuade you from purchasing tech this Christmas, as well as have comprised a list of exciting, joyous, and fun non-tech gifts which your children might grow to like even more than tech! Your children will love you for not defaulting to tech this Christmas, maybe not this year, but definitely in years to come.
Music: instruments, lessons, concert tickets/posters, music editing equipment, high quality speakers.
Literacy: books, book lights, magazine subscriptions, journals for writing their own stories.
Art: sketch pads, colored pencils/felt pens/chalk/crayons, coloring books, custom T-shirt or hat with child’s art work or favorite photo, tickets to theatre, Sat date to an art show.
Thinking: brain teaser games, board games, puzzles, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, Rubik Cube.
Hobbies: sports card collections, recipe book, scrap book essentials, redeemable coupons, collector’s items (figurines, cards, comic books).
Sports: basketball and hoop, swing in yard, Frisbee, disc golf, hammock, Go Pro camera, ski pass, sporting event tickets, snow shoes, ice skates, baseball/bat/mit, soccer ball/net.
Environment: bean bag chair, glo lite, tent, bed canopy, paint bedroom.
Parent Passes: give a pass for a special time with parent/aunt/uncle/Grandma/Grandpa/cousin e.g. dinner out, sports event, theatre, art show, shopping, circus, zoo, aquarium.
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