Screenbuster Program – A revolutionary new way to help kids better manage their use of screens

I have been working as a paediatric occupational therapist for almost 35 years in home, clinic and school-based settings. Around 2004 I began to see a significant change in the children I was treating.
Healthy Education – Why screens in schools failed and what to do NOW to create solid foundations for literacy and learning.

Teachers teach, screens entertain. It’s that simple. Promises made by edtech to schools were 3-fold: individualized learning, improved student engagement and cost effectiveness.
Ten Pillars of Successful Schools — Optimizing student health, safety and education

The onslaught of screens in homes and schools has resulted in significant negative outcomes for students, teachers and parents indicating the need to push…
Online vs. Outdoor Learning

Despite numerous studies showing academic decline with increased use of computers in schools, education governments continue to push online learning, a teaching method which became universal during the recent pandemic.
Kevlar for Teachers – The role of violent media in escalating student violence in schools.

Over the past year I’ve assessed ~ 100 elementary and high school students with most frequent reasons for referrals being poor self-regulation, aggression, and inability to pay attention (in that order). While I pride myself on being “fun” and generally well liked by students, I also have been increasingly kicked, pinched, punched, spit on, and […]