Youth Secretariat

From: Youth Secretariat/ Secrétariat de la jeunesse (PCO/BCP) []
Sent: September 7, 2017 12:43 PM
To: Cris Rowan <>
Subject: RE: radiation and screens in schools

Dear Ms Rowan,

On behalf of Prime Minister Trudeau, let me thank you for your correspondence dated March 19th, 2017, regarding First Nations children’s use of technology in the classroom. Please accept my apologies for this delayed response.

We appreciate the time that you have taken to reach out to us and the important work you do in First Nation schools. The Government of Canada recognizes that closing the gaps in education outcomes of First Nations children living on reserve is critical for the shared success of all Canadians. In Budget 2016, the Government committed $2.6 billion over 5 years to be invested in First Nations education.

While the federal government funds services and programs for First Nations and Inuit on reserve, the regulatory and legislative framework around education and health are developed by provinces and territories. You might consider sharing your thoughts with representatives at the provincial level.

I thank you for sharing your policy document on best practice standards for screens and radiation. You might also consider reading through the Government’s response to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health report entitled, Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians, tabled in the House of Commons on June 15th 2016.

Thank you again for the valued work you do to advocate for the well-being of young Canadians.

Sincerely yours,

Christiane Fox

Deputy Secretary of

Intergovernmental Affairs and Youth

Privy Council Office