PETITION To: All Health, Education, and Social Service Governments

Whereas: We the undersigned have concerns about the known and unknown effects of escalating use of handheld technologies, including tablets, cell phones, and other radiation emitting devices, by children under the age of 12 as evidenced by two documents Ten reasons to ban handheld devices from children under the age of 12, and Ten MORE reasons to ban handheld devices from children under the age of 12. We the undersigned, petition the Canadian and United States governments to enact the following five initiatives in a timely and effective manner.

  1. Launch an education campaign ensuring the general public understands the detrimental effects of technology overuse by children.
  2. Prohibit usage of all handheld devices by children under the age of 12 years in public settings e.g. schools, daycares, and preschools.
  3. Ensure radiation free zones in and surrounding all centers which accommodate children under the age of 12.
  4. Recall all products which promote handheld device use for children under the age of 12 years, including mounting ALL hardware for handheld devices.
  5. Mandate risk warnings on all technology products to include increased risk for child obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, developmental delay, mental illness (anxiety, depression, adhd, autism, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, attachment disorder), tantrums, impulsivity, aggression, defiance, sleep deprivation, and learning difficulties.

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