Moving to Learn

Tech Diet – Four Tech Tools To Help “Tech Fat” Families Reduce The Use Of Technology

While the benefit of technology is obvious, inherent risks of technology overuse by young children are unrecognized and largely ignored. The virtual world is devoid of touch, movement, human connection, and nature – four critical elements for child development and learning.  One in three children now enter school developmentally delayed, one in four are obese, […]

Profile of a Shooter – School and community intervention and prevention initiatives.

Guns, video games, isolation, and mental illness have all been implicated as causal factors in the recent school shooting by Adam Lanza in Newtown, Connecticut. Intervention initiatives for school shootings, such as arming teachers, or enlisting full time police presence, have been proposed for schools both in the U.S. and Canada without any evidence showing […]

Gunner, Gamer or Shooter – Which one can be controlled?

Hearts everywhere go out to families and friends of victims of the mass killing at Sandy Hook School. Bewildered as to why the shooter did such a heinous crime, society is quick to assign blame to poor gun control or too much video gaming, without really giving any consideration to the profound complexity of this […]

Education Technology Displaces Literacy

This picture of a 3 year old girl in front of a laptop, is found on the home page of BC’s new educational plan advertising “individualized programs” for students Accompanying the push by education governments for increased use of computers with younger and younger children, is the recent government mandated return to work following […]