Moving to Learn

Momo Is A Red Flag – The internet is not a safe nor a happy place for our children.

Despite police reports and pediatrician citations, the recent Momo Suicide Challenge was determined by media to be fake. Hoax or not, the resurfacing Momo Suicide Challenge presents parents, teachers and governments with a hard to ignore fact – the internet is not a safe place for children, and we’ve known for years that the internet is […]

Misguided Guidelines – Result of technology’s infiltration into government sectors

When it comes to keeping children safe from harm, societies traditionally trusted their health, education and social governments to advise and guide them. While not every branch of government is wholly without fault, generally governments could be relied upon to act ethically and in the best interests of the public. Not so anymore. With the […]

Screens and Meals – From babies to adults, mealtime should be screen-free.

The evening meal is traditionally recognized as a social occasion involving family members, a table/chairs, and a home cooked dinner. When I was a child, dinners involved my two brothers and I suffering through an hour-long event where we had to listen to my father go on and on about work issues which were totally […]

Ten reasons why video games should be banned for children under the age of 12

Video games are a ubiquitous form of entertainment in today’s children and youth, and while fun and exciting, have a darker side that parents, teachers and health professionals can no longer ignore. While many adults struggle with gaming addiction, parents don’t seem to consider gaming’s addictive nature when allowing young children to game. When evaluating […]

5G Space Appeal launched

An International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space has been launched. The Appeal, together with the list of signatories, will be formally presented to the United Nations, World Health Organization, European Union, and world governments on or before November 1, 2018.Scientists from each continent who have agreed to be initial signatories are listed […]