Moving to Learn

Technology Myth and Fact Sheet

The following twelve Technology Myths and Facts were compiled by Cris Rowan, pediatric occupational therapist, biologist, international speaker, and author of the book “Virtual Child”. Cris is passionate about changing the ways in which children use technology, and has developed the concept Balanced Technology Management where parents learn to manage balance between technology and healthy […]

When Parents Prefer Devices

James Steyer with Common Sense Media was interviewed on PBS News on Nov. 2, 2015 regarding a newly released study showing teens spend 9 hours a day being entertained with media. Mr. Steyer cited ‘lack of rules by parents’ as a factor driving escalating rates of cell phone, tablet and TV use in children and […]

Gaming and Gambling: A generation of children on the hunt for supremacy.

Millions of people spend several hours a day on online gaming. Counter Strike:Global Offensive (CS:GO), League of legends, and RuneScape are only a few of the games that are available in this rapidly developing industry. Children, youth and young adults are paying upward of hundreds of dollars every month on buying and selling commodities, weapons, […]

Early Exposure to Media Violence

What you watch, is who you become Not a day goes by without hearing about acts of violence. Cyberbullying, rape, domestic violence, school shootings, gang shootings, mass murders…and we’re not talking about violence in war-torn countries half way around the globe, we’re talking about violence in North America. Recent media reports indicate that over the […]

Open letter to all daycares, preschools, and schools who continue to use wireless radiation.

April 1, 2015 To all principals, staff, school boards, education government, and health officials, In my capacity as a pediatric occupational therapist, biologist, speaker, and author on the subject of the impact of technology on child development and learning, I’m writing to you on behalf of students, teachers, and parents requesting the urgent removal of […]